Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sartre's No Exit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sartre's No Exit - Essay Example Although taken as a quasi strategy for the Existentialist movement, the transcription of this lecture was the only pamphlet that Sartre amenably regretted seeing in print. Yet, it continues to be the foremost introduction to his philosophy to the general public. One reason both for its fame and his discomfort is the precision with which it displays the cardinal doctrines of existentialist thought while enlightening Sartre's attempt to widen its social application in reaction to his Catholic and Communist criticism - it offers us a sight of Sartre's thought â€Å"on the wing.† In his play ‘No Exit’, he is determined to prove his famous argument; â€Å"hell is other people† and perception that there is no God is widely unleashed. He wants the reader to catch his philosophical perspective of belief and reason. No Exit, the Jean- Paul Sartre’s play, coined the famous slogan â€Å"Hell is other people!† Anybody may wonder on hearing such a harsh de claration, if this is a portrayal of manhood or just a portrayal of certain categories of individuals who make life more problematic than it ought to be. Sartre's unique vision on hell takes us to an isolated hotel located in an extremely hot place with numerous rooms to be occupied that are better referred to as the damned (Contat 33). This particular play involves majorly three people who died and went to their eternal destination, the Hell. They are three rather selfish and depraved individuals, seeing them in one light. Contrariwise, you can say they are three delicate souls desperately in need of something. However, they have no ability to offer of themselves. Like vampires imbibing the best of all mankind, wanting to be satisfied, yet unwilling to care for anybody, but only themselves. Our first character to meet is a journalist who owns what he calls pacifist newspaper by the name Joseph Garcin. He was shot during the Second World War, although he had deserted his position an d fled to Mexico. He is constantly trying to escape from Gomez judgment and others who think he is a coward because he fled in war time. His paramount accuser is himself, the only person he could never escape. Joseph was also a drunk and an adulterer. He deliberately cheated on his wife habitually; even making poor women to serve coffee to his mistresses and him. He was so heartless that he did not care how much he caused his poor wife pain. She died of a broken heart soon after him. Next we have Serrano Inez who is a self declared sinner and foul to the ground. She describes the nadirs of her immorality in the following declaration: â€Å"When I say I am cruel, I imply I can not get on devoid of making people suffer. Just like a live coal – a live coal in others’ people hearts. When In am alone I sparkle out† (Hudson 78). Despite her unkind nature, Inez has a virtue; she calls them by way of seeing them. Inez is similar to a vampire because she lives for her bo dily desire. She was a lesbian and guilty of ending a marriage and spinning a wife against her spouse. She made that woman her love, and together, they collaborated and killed the husband of her lover. She can look at her wickedness, and accept it as a portion of who she is. Inez consents being in hell and she does not anticipate anything enhanced. In hell, she lusts for

Monday, February 3, 2020

American Popular Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Popular Culture - Assignment Example Like in case of Star Trek (Put Locker 0:10), this fictional film gives visual as well as audio information about the story. The advent of movies and television has enabled knowing what is happening around us and in the whole world. The use of visual images in movies and television provides additional information not readily available through reading or listening to radio. Television and movies also brought new ways to understand surrounding environment and society (Kellner 1). Visual images from movies or television are good learning tools to some scholars Reading culture in America has reduced to some extent due to influence of television ad movies. Acquiring similar information such as those in novels is now possible through watching an entertaining movie. In the movies, stars usually portray a culture that we unconsciously follow and start practicing (Media Literacy Project 2). In music videos, a dance style by a musician such as Michael Jackson’s break dance has influenced the current dancing styles. Considering for example Jackson’s music video of Moonwalk (Slake 2:00) has been copied unconsciously by most individuals not only in US but also in other parts of the world. Listening to radio provided information about news or music but left room for imagination of how the environment and events taking place. Using visual images on television news provide the information of the scene and make one unconsciously think that they are in the same scene. This has in turn reduces the number of people listening to radio to get informed. After watching, the conversation also differs compared to those who previously listened due to involvement of visual information about the scene and characters involved. Dressing cord and hairstyles has changed over time depending on influence of the images on television and characters that movie